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Editor's Corner

Rita Agarwal, MD, FAAP

I am honored to have been chosen to be the new editor of the Society newsletter. I am sure everyone will join me in thanking Jay for the superb job he has done for the past four years and wishing him good luck with his new responsibilities. Not only has he turned out a consistently excellent newsletter, but also one that is a good source of information about upcoming meetings and general society news. Jay took our essentially black and white newsletter and turned it in to a full color production and (with the assistance of Joe Tobin and the Communications Committee) expanded it to integrate with the web page. Congratulations Jay on your election to Society Treasurer.

The newsletter will continue in a printed and web-based format. I am delighted to be working with Joe Tobin, who as Chair of the Communications Committee oversees the website. The Kid's Page, Point/Counterpoint, both edited by Associate Editor, Tom Mancuso will continue as will the literature reviews. Travels and Travails is another regular feature, edited by Alan Klein will be featured both in the printed material and on the website.

This newsletter features the excellent review of the SPA/AAP meeting held in San Diego, where our usual run of bad luck with the weather continued, thus encouraging everyone to stay indoors and diligently attend the conference. The meeting is reviewed by David Polaner and Jennifer Krupp. Jay has assembled a great team of assistant editors, without whose hard work this newsletter would not be possible. I hope they all decided to stay and help me as well!