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The Kid's Page

This section is devoted to those of us who do not have a ready-made set of various aged young people at our immediate disposal who could help us understand what is of interest to children these days. In order to help us escape from the bottomless depths of our grown-up ignorance, this page will provide insights from prominent small people into whatever happens to currently pique the interest of the younger set. Armed with the information contained herein, grown-up pediatric anesthesiologists will be able to converse knowledgeably with their patients about things important to the children or at least be able to fake it until the induction is over. Things will be kept simple since the target audience is grown-ups. As editor, since I am also one of those aforementioned poorly informed grown-ups, I will exercise little control over content, but may from time to time help with grammar or comment on a particular topic. I welcome suggestions for topics to be reviewed in future issues and will endeavor to find authors of the appropriate ages for those topics.

Thomas J. Mancuso, MD, FAAP

Ah, Disney. Covering all the endeavors of this multinational corporation of interest to our patients in one page would be like covering Baseball in one page. This edition will review some the offerings of the Disney channel.

Pay attention, there is a lot of information here!

Like Gaul, The Disney Channel is divided into three parts, Playhouse Disney, Zoog and Vault Disney.

Playhouse Disney

Playhouse Disney is on during the early and middle parts of the day and is generally directed toward the younger set (2-7 years of age). Some of the more popular shows are:

Rolie Polie Olie

This is a cartoon whose main character is, surprisingly named Olie. He has a sister named Zoe, a dog named Spot and their parents and grandparents all live in the land of curves and curls. Normally inanimate objects are such as their teapot house act alive and have facial expressions and emotions etc.

Out of the Box

This show's characters are real actors who play Tony and Vivian, two adults who live in a house made of boxes. Various children, whose names escape me, also participate in the show, entering and leaving according to the demands of the so-called plot.

PB & J Otter

This is also a cartoon of an otter family who lives on a boat in a lake named who-ha. There are several children as well as adults. The oldest child is a boy named peanut. His sister is named jelly and their little baby otter named butter. These characters and their parents have adventures on the lake where they live.


Zoog is aimed at children from 8-11 years of age. The older kids will watch, they just won't admit it.

So Weird

This show is allegedly about paranormal. The main character is a girl named Fee who is involved in some sort of "frightening" paranormal events. Sort of an X Files for the pre-teen set.

The Jersey Show

The Jersey Show is about a boy named Nick who is left an old football jersey by his grandfather. The jersey has magical powers which he and his friends keep secret. The wearer of the jersey becomes a sports star in a variety of sports. For example if a boy put the jersey on while watching a basketball game, he would join and star in that game.

The Famous Jet Jackson

Jet Jackson plays a movie star in this show and he plays a character named Silverstone in his show as part of the plot of the Disney show. Huh? He, Jackson, lives in Wilstead NC, having moved his show from LA. Artemus and Hawk are characters in the Silverstone show. He also has friends in his regular life as well as intrigues with his family members in Wilstead. By the way, Jet Jackson is played by Lee Thompson Young. Enough layers for you? Victor Victoria for prime time.

Smart Guy

The story of a ten year-old genius in high school, his older brother and sister, and his trials and tribulations.

This may be the last Kid's Page if the author's niece Marcella (now 17) and nephew Vincent (now 19) find out about the use of this photo. #include ./footer_include.iphtml