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Editor's Corner

Rita Agarwal, MD, FAAP

The summer newsletter is a fun issue to put together because it allows us greater flexibility in providing material other than just the meeting and literature reviews. Dr. Mancuso has once again done a great job putting together Point/CounterPoint (and although he cheated just a little bit—I hope you all agree with me that it is very informative and enjoyable). Dr. Mancuso continues to be an invaluable Associate Editor who always finds time to provide succinct, insightful and plentiful literature reviews for the newsletter. I want to thank all the contributing editors to this issue. I know with our ever increasing clinical schedules (and warm sunny days seducing us away on the few moments of free time we do have) it gets harder and harder to find time to do these things.

In this issue there is a special article by Dr. Bill Greeley who is editor of the Pediatric Section of Anesthesia and Analgesia, regarding the affiliation between the SPA and A&A. He describes the process by which manuscripts find their way into the journal. I hope you find it as useful and enlightening as I did.

I also wanted to highlight a special announcement regarding a member of the Society. Dr. Howard Zucker was awarded a White House Fellowship, which is a very prestigious position awarded to 12 candidates (from a starting pool of over 500). The Fellowship allows Americans of varied backgrounds an opportunity to learn about American government and how American policy is set. To read more about the position and Dr. Zucker please go to the www.pedsanesthesia.org and check the Newsletter Section.

Finally I want to encourage everyone to read the Newsletter Section on the website. It has allowed us to expand our literature reviews and other items of interest without increasing costs (which helps keep subscription costs down). A new feature is archiving of previous reviews thus (hopefully) making it easier to access them. Joe Tobin has been at the forefront of developing and expanding the website, so please join me in thanking him for all his hard work.

Please feel free to send me ideas, suggestions, comments, criticism, or desires to join the editorial staff etc. I hope to see everyone in New Orleans at the next SPA Meeting. It should be another good one!

Rita Agarwal, MD
The Children's Hospital/ University of Colorado Health Science Center
Denver, CO
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