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Fellows Corner

In an effort to give a fresh perspective to the newsletter, we have embarked upon a new section. The Fellows Corner will allow trainees in pediatric anesthesia to voice their thoughts about important issues facing training programs and the specialty itself. We will attempt to provide useful information for fellows who are rapidly moving from trainee to academician or private practitioner. In each issue we will query fellows in training on topics "of the moment" and include as many of the responses in the newsletter as we can. If you are a fellow and interested in participating you can send an email to galinkin@email.chop.edu.

To kick it off we have asked one of the fellows at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia what he feels should be included in a pediatric anesthesia fellowship. This issue is taking on increasing importance as we move closer to creating a formal board certification for the specialty. Additionally, in the web-based newsletter Valerie Armstead, MD will provide us with the ACGME guidelines for pediatric anesthesia training.

We would like to encourage all fellows to participate. If you come across an interesting article that you would like to review, or just have interesting ideas about the fellowship that you would like to share please contact one of us. We welcome questions, comments or concerns and will endeavour to get answers from the appropriate "experts" whenever possible.

Jeffrey L. Galinkin, MD
Rita Agarwal, MD #include ./footer_include.iphtml