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SPA/JSPA 2003 Meeting
Westin St. Francis, San Francisco, CA • October 10, 2003

Register Now Online!

The next annual meeting of the SPA will be held on Friday, October 10, 2003 in San Francisco, CA in conjunction with the Japanese Society of Pediatric Anesthesiology. This will be the first time these two organizations have gotten together and should be an educational and enjoyable event.

The day will feature an outstanding group of speakers from both countries. Simultaneous translation will be provided in English and Japanese. In addition to scientific presentations, a panel will discuss similarities and differences between the way the two countries provide anesthesia care for children. The final lecture of the day will emphasize the international nature of medicine by reviewing the history of the Nobel Prizes. It will be given by the first anesthesiologist (and a pediatric one at that!), Dr. Sten Lindahl from Stockholm, who heads the Committee for the Nobel Prize for Medicine.

Another unique feature of this meeting will be the opportunity to present abstracts related to a wide variety of topics in pediatric anesthesiology. Included here will be posters depicting hospitals in the USA and Japan that care for children. All major pediatric institutions from both nations are encouraged to present a poster of their hospital so that course participants can take a "virtual tour" of these facilities. For more information about this, or any aspect of the meeting or to register, check the SPA website at <www.pedsanesthesia.org>.

Furthermore, the meeting will afford all registrants an opportunity to meet with their colleagues in a lovely setting. Included with the registration fee will be a buffet dinner reception at San Francisco's Museum of Modern Art, a short walk from the host hotel.

Finally, individuals should note they can register to stay at the host hotel, the Westin St. Francis, without waiting to request hotel accommodations from the ASA. Merely call the hotel (or FAX to them the form available in the meeting brochure from SPA headquarters or the SPA website) and mention you will be part of the SPA meeting. Reservations can be made for this meeting as well as any time around the ASA Annual Meeting and you can assure yourself of a first class accommodation in beautiful Union Square in San Francisco. You are encouraged to do this as soon as possible while rooms in this hotel are still available.

In summary, the SPA and JSPA have put together a program that should be interesting, educational, and enjoyable. We look forward to seeing you there.

Katsuyuki Miyasaka, MD, PhD
Mark A. Rockoff, MD

Meeting Co-Directors

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