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Lifelong Learning
- ABA News Volume 17(1): 2004. Available at: http://www.theaba.org/News/index.html
- ABA News Volume 16(1): 2003. Available at http://www.theaba.org/News/index.html
- Horowitz SD, Miller SH, Miles PV: Board certification and physician quality. Med Educ 38:1-10, 2004.
- Kapur PA: ABA Update: Streamlining the MOCA process. ASA Newsletter 68(3):2004. Available at http://www.asahq.org/Newsletters/2004/03_04/kapur03_04.html
- Sharp LK, Bashook PG, Lipsky MS, et al. Specialty board certification and clinical outcomes: the missing link. Acad Med 77:534-42, 2002.
- Silber JH, Kennedy SC, Even-Shoshan O, et al. Anesthesiologist board certification and patient outcomes. Anesthesiology 96:1044-52, 2002.
- Information and registration for MOCA can be obtained from the ABA website (www.abanes.org) or (www.theaba.org) as well as the MOCA home: https://secure.abanes.org/portal/AboutMOC.asp
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