Kids' Corner
Do you know these shows???
By Christopher J. Stemland, MD
University of Virginia
Jake and the Never Land Pirates
“Jake and the Never Land Pirates” is a musical animated Disney show based on “Peter Pan.” The show involves three children (Jake, Izzy and Cubby) who are pirates seeking treasure. The children encounter trouble on their quest for treasure, mostly from Captain Hook and a crocodile. The children usually overcome the problems they face and acquire gold doubloons for each problem they resolve. The program contains two eleven-minute episodes followed by a song and appeals to both boys and girls.
Cat and the Hat
“Cat and the Hat” is a popular animated PBS series based on the children’s book by Dr. Seuss. The show is led by a tall hat-wearing cat that takes two children (Sally and Nick) on various educational adventures. The cat takes the children on a magical flying vehicle and teaches the children about how and why things happen. The show teaches about science and nature in a fun and engaging way. It, too, appeals to both boys and girls.