Abstract Preparation and Submission
By David M. Polaner, MD, FAAP
The Children's Hospital
Aurora, CO
To present a concise yet complete description of the study question, methodology and results. Abstract structure should have five or six sections for clarity:
- Introduction and study question/ aims/ hypothesis- This should be clearly stated (may be divided into 2 sections if preferred)
- Methods- How was this performed? What was the study design? What was the study population? What were the primary and secondary outcome variables? How was data analyzed?
- Results- If table or figure is present, it is not necessary to restate the numbers- point out the big picture only.
- Discussion- What do the results mean? Why are they important? Does the data support or refute the stated hypothesis?
- Conclusions- One sentence will suffice
Please write in real English- avoid jargon, and use complete sentences and proper grammar. Use paragraph divisions for the sections- one long run-on paragraph is difficult to read.
This is best presented, or augmented, by the inclusion of a table or figure. Ensure data is legible.
Lack of data
Submission of abstracts without data is not encouraged and is likely to be scored very low. It is not acceptable to submit an abstract describing the research plan. The best chance of acceptance is granted only to submissions which include data and results.
Be cautious and reasonable, avoid the trap of the statement “safe and efficacious” when the study is not powered to make that statement. Similarly, a zero numerator demands the calculation of confidence intervals and great caution in interpretation.
Case Report or Case series
Novel case reports with a discussion and lessons learned have higher chances of acceptance.
Citations and references
Not more than three to five references are necessary. Cite previous work if applicable and also cite assertions about facts that may not be commonly accepted.
Prior to submission
Proof read abstract and have an experienced colleague/mentor proof read and critique the abstract. This will improve the quality of the abstract and increase chances of acceptance.